
Welcome to the “Python for Neuroscience” course in Tel Aviv University. This book is built using Jupyter book, just one of the many amazing tools you will be able to learn how to use once you get comfortable enough with writing code in Python.

Homework assignments, excluding the first one, will be presented in a dedicated repository. If you are a registered student in the course, you should star and watch this repository (top-right corner on GitHub) to receive notifications when new materials are updated.

If you find any mistakes, have any suggestions, come across useful learning resources not listed in the Resources section, etc., please do not hesitate to create a pull request and contribute in any way you think could make this book better.

General questions - both technical and Python-related - can be posted to the “Issues” tab of the book’s Git repository. We’ll do our best to answer them as soon as possible. Asking question in the “Issues” tab is highly encouraged, since it allows other students to see both the issue, which they will probably run into at some point, and the answer for it. In case you still prefer to contact us directly, feel free to do so at:

Good luck!